His Glory Alone Radio is an audio, podcast, ministry of Perpetual Hope Inc, a 501(c)(3) organization that offers true to life, word of God, faith-based experiential, teachings, that encourage and enrich the lives of believers from all around the world and from all walks of life.
Many believers as well as nonbelievers or people who are seeking to know the Creator throughout the world,  are struggling in various ways.

His Glory Alone Radio produces truthful, content based around real, true to life instances and or circumstances that allow us to point the listener directly to the Word of God.  HGA Radio seek to show how His Word displays what the life of surrender truly looks like, sounds like, feels like and more importantly, the freedom and victory that comes from living that surrendered life in His Word and in His Presence.

Many throughout the world are longing for peace and joy in troubled times that are plaguing our world with many different situations. HGA Radio believes that the only true healing principles in life are found within the words of the creator that we believe are displayed in His Holy Word, known as "The Bible"

Remanence of His Glory, is a video podcast series that is focused on bringing to light all the things that the "church" doesn't want to address and discuss on Sunday morning.

There are many issues that people are struggling with in the church and outside of the church as well. Remanence of His Glory is focused on the little, teeny things that we seem to leave out on Sunday morning that are a lot bigger than we, people of faith,  want to admit.

It's obvious that people are struggle with many things in this earthly life, and many seemed to have no outlet or resolve for the issues that they are plagued with. Remanence of His Glory, is meant to be more experiential, factual, life-changing evidence to produce first-hand knowledge of what God has done, who He truly is and why He truly did what He did.  

Allowing people from all over the world to share their story with Remnant of His Glory will be a powerful tool to show how the creator himself and His Holy Word have affected the everyday man and woman and and turned their lives upside down, pointed them to the Cross  become a Remnants of His Glory.

As Kirk Lesley and their family are taking the time to seek His face, are in the process of recovering from the past years of suffering, they really believe that the world is in a time and a place, where people need extreme examples of God's mercy and grace appearing on the earth real-time.

It's their desire that sometime during the Winter/Spring of 2023, that we will not only have new worship project in the works.  

We also have initiated a weekly online prayer vigil through the HGA Radio APP, His Glory Alone Facebook Page as well as here on the web site to minister to broken people from around the globe.

During each live prayer vigil, we only offer text and email for prayer request that in the future, is our desire that we will offer a dial in number where people can call and present specific prayer needs, as well as ask questions and get spiritual counseling and biblical advice from Kirk,  Lesley and and or other guests that might be on the prayer vigil.

This will not be live for those calling in, but rather somebody will field the calls, right down the, request/issue and then the host/guest we will address and discuss the issue live on the vigil through the HGA Radio app or the website which ever open the individual is listening on. Past that,  we want to also have a night of live streaming worship from our living room!!

Which will include real-time LIVE worship with Kirk Lesley, as well as guest worshipers, teaching and moments just to reflect in HIS presence.